Good touch protects for a lifetime

Good touch protects for a lifetime

Good touch protects for a lifetime He gave her a hug. It was a warm embrace. She held her breath. Her body froze like an animal trapped. It didn’t last long, heaven thanks. And then, she offered him tea, mechanically removing crumbs off the kitchen counter. He sat...
Niech wszystkie czujące istoty będą szczęśliwe i spokojne

Niech wszystkie czujące istoty będą szczęśliwe i spokojne

Znowu Święta Kolejka po chleb przytupuje niecierpliwie. Koszyki stękają pod ciężarem zakupów. Samochodom duszno w korkach… Święta. Znowu Święta. Trzeba się ustosunkować. Przygotować. Wyjechać. A może zostać. Z radości, z przyzwoitości, z obowiązku. Nie ma czasu, nie...
Niech wszystkie czujące istoty będą szczęśliwe i spokojne

May all the sentient beings be happy and at peace.

Holidays again The queue for bread gets impatient. Baskets are bursting under the weight of shopping. Cars are stifling in traffic jams. Easter. Holidays again. You have to take a stand. You have to get ready. You have to go visit. Or stay, maybe. Out of joy, out of...
Who are you?

Who are you?

Our Self. A tapestry weaved out of memories. A single thread creates an elaborate pattern. One event leads to the next, to the next, to the next … With each successive stitch, we get more and more entangled in our own identity. Slaves of the image of ourselves,...
Stretch marks? YES, please!

Stretch marks? YES, please!

Stretch marks? YES, please! Recently with a friend of mine we took a closer look at our bodies. Around 40, while still attractive, we have a collection of stretch marks, moles and scars. We take pride in certain, are indifferent to some, while others we hide in shame....
The other side of the coin

The other side of the coin

The other side of the coin. I was to meet a friend of mine today. I forgot to confirm the meeting, she did not check it with me. I showed up. She did not come. From being perfectly happy, sitting in a park in a bright spring sun, I momentarily got upset, angry and...